Business Offer

Main activity
Main genre
Language skills
other   German   Spanish   French   English  
Artist   Songwriter  
Techno   Rock & Roll   Punk   Instrumental   Alternative   Blues   World  

Personal profile

Hello. Prayers. I am working on a few projects, in music and film. I am looking for fans for my music films. I am working on a Film Series on my YouTube Channel that is Bible based, trying to focus on the Book with personal responses with experimental music in segmented percussive and vocal art films using old Oriental scene boxes and unusual instruments. M music films have been shown at film festivals including the Berlin WIPE Amateur Film Festival, the Bucharest ShortCuts Film Festival, Th Industry Boost Competition in New York, and the CINEPlay film Awards Festival in New York, and the Miami Epic Festival, and now also the Cefalù Film Festival Some of my films include dance and original choreography. I have songs for sale on Reverbnation, ITunes, Deezer, Spotify and am now a member of SOCAN..

Company profile

Liz Kennedy, Artist at Self Owned Google Channel: Liz Kennedy, PRAYERS FOR PEACE