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French   other   German   English  
Digital & Mobile   Business Services   Record Label   Publisher   Management   Gaming  
Rock   Metal   Dance Electronica   Pop  

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Company profile

Unjamr is a music and entertainment management agency whose mission is to represent artists and/or bands to allow them to focus on their craft and propel them to higher grounds. Whether you are after a record deal, publishing agreement, organizing a worldwide tour, or simply in need of professional advice for your music career, you have come to the right place. Started by three entertainment and services industry professionals with a combined experience exceeding four decades, Unjamr is characterized by a unique set of attributes: Leadership, competence, integrity, reliability, and understanding. The entertainment industry is flooded with legalese; let’s speak plain English (or French, German, Dutch, and a few more…) Don't hesitate to contact us under or simply through Music2Deal.