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TMC – Co-Founder - Indie Artist Radio formerly New Artist Radio


Our goal here at Indie Artist Radio is to provide Independent Music Artists with a way to get their music out to the masses. I.A.R. was started almost 12 years ago because we recognized that there were a lot of good musicians from all over the world, who no one knew about. We figure the best way to help artists get noticed would be to provide them with a way to get their music into the hands and ears of music lovers, via an Internet based Independent Artists Radio Station. It’s no secret that the majority of musicians today are either broke or starving and have to work a regular job just to make ends meet. Most artists can’t do what they love to do as often as they’d like, which is making music, because it doesn’t pay the bills. You don’t have the money to hire a manager or promoter so you are stuck in the same old grind of trying to find weekend gigs on your own if you’re lucky, right? Wrong and we have a solution that every musician and independent artist can afford. We have a solution. Indie Artist Radio feels that Indie musicians and artists need to have the best tools and methods available so they’re able to reach their fans. We don’t accept or allow any commercial artists on our site because after all, Indie artists struggle enough already without having to worry about competing with a commercial artist or band that is already doing their craft full time and making money at it. That is what traditional radio already does and think about it… Do you hear indie artists on the traditional radio stations that promote and play commercial artists music? It’s time to give you guys a break and help get you and your music the recognition it deserves. After 10+ years of leading this movement for Indie artists, we are continuing our focus of helping our Indie musician family with getting their music into the hands and ears of music lovers around the world. How can indie Artist Radio help you, the musician? We can get your music into the hands of listeners all around the world. Traditional radio requires listeners to switch between stations in order to find the genre of music that they enjoy. At Indie Artist radio, we give our listeners the option of choosing their favored genre of music, without having to go to any other station. We welcome and feature all genres of music on indie Artist Radio and millions of listeners tune in regularly to hear their favorite indie musicians 24/7, live interviews, and special broadcasts exclusively centered around and focusing on Independent Artists. With close to 2 Million hits per month, it is our mission and primary focus to help you, the Independent Artist, get the exposure and fan following that you truly deserve. While it is free to join the Indie Artist radio family and free to get your music into the ears of listeners, we also offer several optional enhanced promotional packages for artists who want to take their music to the next level at unbelievable but true minimal pricing. (See the Optional Promotional Packages section) Indie Artist Radio Personally Invites You to Submit your music for free for airplay with the #1 Indie Radio Station on the web. To date, Indie Artist Radio has helped hundreds of Bands, Musicians, Artists; Songwriters etc., get their music heard in virtually every corner of the earth. We believe talented Independent Artists deserve to be heard, and at Indie Artist Radio, we put the “artist” First! Our listeners regularly surf the web while they listen to our Station. Simply put, Indie Artist Radio is Interactive Radio – Worldwide! We also tape all live shows which are available 24/7 as well via our live stream. Begin getting heard today! Whether you are an Independent musician looking to get your music heard by listeners around the world or wanting to take your music to the next level or just a music lover who enjoys hearing great music without all the commercials, we welcome you to the Indie Artist Radio Family! We want to thank our artists and listeners for making us the best and look forward to helping each of our Indie artists achieve their dreams.