Title: Tips and Tricks on Fan-Marketing

  1. Monday, October 25, 2010 2:54:05 PM
    How do you interact with your fans? Here‘s our idea: You could use your fans to spread your music across the web. In exchange, let them download your music for free, or let them get in for free at your next concert. Whats your strategy?
  2. Wednesday, November 9, 2011 5:21:12 PM
    Baldian Vielleichtwiedada
    first album complete for free to download. a very good tool to promote and spread the music. 2005 a managed different good known musicians under the project name "stimmkraft". we had 100.000 downloads in just 3 month with no cost in over 100 countries. it works! ... :-)
  3. Thursday, August 30, 2012 5:44:53 PM
    Andrew James Liles
    I see many Artists offer complete album downloads for free and it seems to be gaining more popularity. My opinion is that you are missing out on sales that will further support your future efforts on the road and in the studio. A free complete download certainly is enticing to music fans, but does their loyalty to you stop there or do they then pay admission to shows or purchase other merchandise? I am not trying to be combative, but thought provoking as to your worth as an Artist. I ask this only because your time and effort have value and need to be acknowledged by the general consumers out there. What value are you placing on your music in general if it is being given away for free? Your music is the one thing (no matter how old it may be) that you put your most effort into aside from promoting your "product" and live performances. It is what people purchase or pay to see. Just a thought