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Business Services   Media   Studio nagraniowe   Organizator koncertów   Kompozytor   Muzyk   Producent filmowy   Menedżment   Organizacja tras koncertowych   Organizacja   Autor   Film/TV   A&R  
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Muzyka dla dzieci   Rock   Musical   Gothic   Soundtrack   Instrumental   Indie   Pop   Easy Listening   World   Jingles   Rock & Roll   Classical   Experimental  

Osobisty profil

My personal philosophy to doing business in the new music economy today is based on bringing a unique vibrational energy to your life by offering what you do selflessly and without the immediate agenda of profit to create balance and harmony in an angry world filled with narcissistic values and selfish motives. If you can rise to the challenge of what's presented above by shaking off the shackles of your conformity and rising above the mediocrity that governs your life you can gain an all important clarity that's been lost through the distractions present in the rigors of society and have lost touch with your senses and your individual place in the world. So ensuring the intent in all you do is based on the healing language of music and sharing and helping others you will rise above this conditioning and emerge cleansed and clear as to your true purpose in your life. Based on this the criteria I work with every artist I develop or sign from a purist view of what the music is all about and it's intention to the listener. If it has a positive message or is about social uplift then I can ensure that it's vibration will resonate with people who are exposed to it. This is what I call building the new connection bridge between artist and audience a real process of creating synergy between the two entities to allow content to engage with the audience and resonate at the core to help the listener feel good about themselves. A novel concept steeped in ancient civilizations of the past when harmony was in abundance and formed the base of personal growth before the emergence of controlled manipulation of the current age which is the foundation of living in a negative environment bound by duality. This is where we are today. But we all have the power within our own divinity to raise our vibration, expand our consciousness to challenge our environment and rise to find unified thinking, balance and healing in our pure selves. Music is the universal language that transcends all boundaries and so it's a responsibility that we need to take seriously if we are to save an industry that once had a purity of purpose without corporate manipulation.

Profil firmy

Michael A Puskas has an extensive thirty six year track record in the international entertainment industry and is the owner and CEO of IKONIC Artists, DEAD Famous International Pty Ltd, and Astral Records & Music in Australia. Astral Records is the holding company under which the enigmatic labels, DEAD Famous, Astral Records and Sugarfilly Records once boasted some thirty plus internationally released artists of all genres from all over the globe. Please remember that it’s not about putting a CD on a shelf anymore in a retail store but rather to gain the attention of your FANS and supporters by offering them value adds and an ever changing carousel of changing opportunities to keep them interested and stimulated. So with that said to have your music effectively presented on both Amazon and iTunes for the sale component and Spotify and Pandora, Tidal etc for the streaming royalty component you have created a simple and no fuss destination for people to recognise who you are and to either listen to or buy your music. I wish it was that simple…but be warned that in this day and age of narcissistic values the streaming platforms mentioned above do not constitute or offer any real return to artists today. This is the reason why music has no tangible value today and why everyone is content on stealing each others livelihood without thought or responsibility. Ikonic Artists has gone from strength to strength since it’s launch in the UK in July 2011. The global expansion has seen output deals signed with Converg TV for global broadcast, Write Stuff Music for international licensing, Music Samurai for local licensing, Music Supervisor, Express In Music, Bunim Murray, Song Hunters etc for International film and TV licensing. FX, HBO, W.B, Fox and A&E Cable channels for music supervision and a number of features including some Hollywood blockbusters that have yet to be released. Not since the launch of DEAD Famous Records back in 1995 where the label successfully ran an international roster of talent and partnered with Koch Music, Universal (USA) / Fontana / Universal (Canada), Genepool / Universal (UK), Iceberg / SPK / EMI (Europe) and MGM in Australia and New Zealand etc wasthere such a strong and successful impact with taking a real brand with legs and spreading it all over the world. The website did over 2 million hits in a 24 month period before we sold our brand and stock to Modular in NY. Coupled with our successful media and television arm we made a name that is still talked about today, having produced a slate of youth focus programs and series like, Not Recommended Behavior (NRB), Crank and XTV TV etc which broadcasted in some (52) countries around the world. Here we are at a cross roads in music (8) years down the track and we thought it was the perfect time to do it all again….. but with the right partners this time. In these days of harsh economic realities the independent artist has to work harder than ever in the DIY world to make an impact or be taken seriously. Well not anymore. What if there was a way to test the market place by embracing the old school medium of radio to see what reaction you could garner from the market before you went all out and put it all on the line and released your album. There is and it’s a proven process that guarantees results. Now there is no crystal ball to look into in order to see the extent of your success but this brings it pretty close because it streamlines a once over complicated system. BY keeping things simple and based on integrity as opposed to hype and the purchase of support services to bolster a fledgling brand you can rise above all the noise and make a statement worthy of limited attention of the new audience paradigm today.