
Κύρια δραστηριότητα
Κύριο είδος
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Το προφίλ μου

I know with my young age they say I do not know yet the indistri of my music with my young I could done some things that many of the great people in the music had not been seen in their time and I'm proud of me and with whom I work know that I can change things if you give me the means

Εταιρικό προφίλ

I am a young distributor promoter and director of a music label and my work. is to give a chance to other people in the world or in Africa to the music without actually having problems to live from their music because beauoup singer songwriter in Africa only saw their arts so I'm here to help in make money with their work. my the problems is that there is no aid in Africa for music despite our music it sells well in the world of music with the Evolution cinema in Africa we can go far and I have participated in all its the evolution of music in Africa and the world