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Osobisty profil

A songwriter poet and lyricist. An aviator with a passion for safety of flight. I choose the expression of self through the searching for a path to testify the great mercies of God.

Profil firmy

ELINAY RHYTHM CENTER is a small community recording studio seeking to give a platform for people wanting to express themselves and pour out what is hidden within their bosom through music and all aspects connected. At ELINAY we say "Life is a Rhythm You Breath It"


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Kennedy Blege
Requesting a promotional platform capable of pushing streams and increasing the fan base. for this music.
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You Love Me

  • 2023-03-02
  • Gospel & Religious
  • English
You Love Me
Main info
Kategoria Gospel & Religious
Język English
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Happy
Głos męski
Autor Ken Blege
Data wydania 2023
Wydane przez Ken Blege
Opis utworu
He gave His life so I can have mine. He took me from the mired clay and set me on the solid rock. Yet daily the storms of life throw their darts at me and cause me to wander. Then in all the melee I remember, He Loves Me.
Info o autorze
Aviator, Author, Worshiper and a man seeking to touch the Heart of God
You Love Me
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

Sheridan Rupert
Sheridan Rupert 24-12-13 11:04