Song offers (1)

Dream Sweeper In Nashville

  • 2019.02.26.
  • Country
  • English
Dream Sweeper In Nashville
Main info
Genre Country
Language English
Tempo mid-Tempo
Voice male
Author Larry W Jones, Kingwood Kowboy
Release artist Lyrics only.
Song Description
High hopes and then broken dreams can become a stark reality when you strike out to find fame and fortune in Nashville Tennessee. You go for it, things don't work out, and so you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and do what you have to do to move on. You can see that in someone if they have gone through it and Larry put a pen to paper and tells their story through a metaphor, cleaning up the streets of dreams that were not meant to be.
Author info
Lyricist Larry W. Jones, also known as The Kingwood Kowboy, has written literally thousands of registered, copyrighted songs, over 7,400 to be more exact. Most are country, cowboy, trains, trucks, the islands, and a touch of bluegrass.
Dream Sweeper In Nashville - Mike Bryant
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 2019.06.12. 20:00
Marilyn Oakley
Marilyn Oakley 2019.03.16. 19:24
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 2019.03.13. 23:19
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 2019.03.01. 17:39
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 2019.02.28. 15:02