提供歌曲 (1)

Pearlin Like Roller Skates

  • 2015-8-4
  • Funk
  • English
Pearlin Like Roller Skates
音乐风格 Funk
语言 English
节奏 mid-Tempo
  • Groovy
声音 female
作者 Eugene Walker
发布日期 2014
发布艺人 Amber Knicole
Women's vision of getting into a car, driving all around and men turn their heads to see their beauty. Most of all, the Women are driving their cars like roller skates.
The EWP (Eugene Walker) is a songwriting/Lyric entity whose projection is to market is brand of songs to Film, Television and Labels.
01 Pearlin Like Roller Skates
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Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 18-6-23 下午1:26
Rico Dawson
Rico Dawson 15-9-16 下午3:37
robert wronkiewicz
robert wronkiewicz 15-8-9 下午10:43
"nice relaxed groove"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 15-8-6 下午1:21