Oferta de músicas (1)

Come with me tonight

  • 17/nov/2014
  • R&B
  • English
Come with me tonight
Informações principais
Gênero R&B
Idioma English
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Romantic
Voz male
Autor Mark Don
Danta de lançamento 2014
Artista Mark Don
Descrição da música
It's my own RnB number. Which was produced at my home studio where I usually do all my recording and production. Usually I'm more into rock or metal genres but wanted to try out something different and new. Enjoy!
Mark Don - RnB
Fotos & Video

Votos e comentários

Anita Wilson-Pringle
Anita Wilson-Pringle 30-07-2015 15:48
Chalam +
Chalam + 14-05-2015 12:37
"A good try.Good song. :)"
Paul Bailey
Paul Bailey 15-03-2015 20:04
Twin League
Twin League 04-02-2015 17:40