offerte canzoni (1)

Love Me

  • 9-giu-2022
  • Pop
  • English
Love Me
informazioni principali
genere Pop
lingua English
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Melancholic
voce male
autori Cedric Serpes
realizzazione artista Cedric Serpes
informazioni canzone
The song is about loving someone despite their universe collapsing around them. loving someone when they are at their worst.
informazioni autori
Songwriter/Singer/Poet. Composes lyrics, music, arranges and sings the songs written. The style is influenced strongly by Leonard Cohen, Joan Baez, Kris Kristofferson, John Prine. Sad, deep, something akin to Ghazals or deep meaning lyrics set to music.
foto & Video

Votes and comments

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 20/06/22 0.52
"good backing, bad vocals"