Songangebote (1)

Piece of Cake

  • 07.06.2023
  • Funk
  • Englisch
Piece of Cake
Genre Funk
Sprache Englisch
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Energiegeladen
  • Fröhlich
  • Heiter
  • Tanzbar
Stimme weiblich
Autor Silvia Brown / Jan Kalt / Oleksandr Skliarov
Veröffentlichter Künstler
Album "Nightlife" Pallasville. Song title - "Piece of cake". Funk genre.
Silvia Brown - singer/songwriter from Germany. Jan Kalt - music/sound producer, Germany. Oleksandr Skliarov - music producer, composer, arranger, Ukraine.
S.Brown&O.Skliarov - 03_Pallasville_Piece_of_Cake
Fotos & Video

Bewertungen und Kommentare

jürgen zacharias
jürgen zacharias 20.10.23 01:33
Kurt Seßler
Kurt Seßler 16.10.23 10:38
"Like that funky music, cool vibes."
Marcio Hendrik  Fortes
Marcio Hendrik Fortes 17.07.23 12:02
"Good in structure and definition of musical style. Cheerful, uncompromised feeling - The voice recalled the "Frankie Valli and the 4 seasons" era, but you were able to contemporize (bring it to today's music) the vocal timbre, inside a fresh, groovy music. Congrats!"
Michael Leahy
Michael Leahy 12.06.23 11:04
"This sounds like it would be a great song live. I'd bring the vocals down a notch in the mix, though. Why the fade-out? Give it a conclusive ending!"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 09.06.23 14:54
"Good groove !!"