Τίτλος: HD Music Video

  1. Τρίτη, 18 Οκτωβρίου 2011 5:08:08 μμ
    Would love to hear what the music people say about this song: http://youtu.be/EyNGdwwaL1Q?hd=1
  2. Τετάρτη, 19 Οκτωβρίου 2011 6:54:44 πμ
    Jochen Schaumann
    Is this really the subject in this group? To get opinions about your song?
  3. Παρασκευή, 21 Οκτωβρίου 2011 3:15:14 μμ
    Is this not what this company is about, Music!! When you are unknown in the Music World every little opinion counts...!Professional people give their opinion and thoughts and I'm sure everyone listens. The A and R industry is one of the best..!
  4. Παρασκευή, 21 Οκτωβρίου 2011 4:53:47 μμ
    Jochen Schaumann
    To realize what you demand a new group should be established here. Title f.e. "songvoting" or "feedback for your song". I would like it. Would be very useful for songwriters. How do u think about it, Mario??
  5. Παρασκευή, 26 Οκτωβρίου 2012 10:48:58 πμ
    Richard Rogers
    Hi Jennie, i can see your point. However, personally I think this should all be contained within the voting section on your song, artist profile etc rather than through these topics areas of A&R. That's why they were set up in the first place so you could get opinions of your songs on your song or artist page.