Aqui puedes crear grupos nuevos con gente de intereses similares y crear nuevos foros para comunicarte con ellos.
Promotions & Publicity for your music in India
If you are an artist or a label and would like to understand the Indian market especially on how to promote your music in India, please post your questions here and I will answer all such questions in as much detail as I can.
My name is Sudhir Shreedharan. I am the current MD - Asia Pacific for Music2Deal. My previous job was with the IMI PPL (Indian Music Industry - Phonographic Performan
Music2deal Brasil
Este grupo visa ser não só um congregador dos associados Brasileiros, mas também discutir e oferecer oportunidades que apareçam para negociar nossa música com associados de outros países.
Near East Music2Deal Group

Music2Deal - Near East Group - Description:
Dedicated to the professionals working in the music field in the Near East Region.
The objective of this group is to focus on our members activities and invite international potential professionals to join and establish links with them.
A&R Topics

Discussions, help, information, understanding and knowledge about A&R and it's continuing role within the worldwide music industry.

Any problems or questions with music2deal? The music2deal employees in this group can help you!
Probleme oder Fragen zu Music2deal? Die Music2deal-Mitarbeiter aus dieser Gruppe können dir weiterhelfen!
Music2Deal Nigeria Business Network Group
Are you a Nigerian Music Business Professional? living or doing business in any country across the globe and wish to network with other Nigerian music business entrepreneurs. Post your Facebook/Twitter Business page here!This group will present Nigerian Music Business Professionals and Entrepreneurs on an easily networking mode.
( FB Like/Twitter Exchange Group)
Music2Deal Nigeria Presenting
Int. Music Manager Forum Group

This group is for networking and exchange of information for the member of the 17 Music Managers Forums around the world. Moreover it is a place to contact MMF managers.
Discussions, opinions and experiences concerning online-self-marketing
Austrian Music

In dieser Gruppe kann sich die rot-weiss-rote Musikszene und -branche wiederfinden, unterhalten, austauschen und kennelernen. JOIN US !

The International Music Manager’s Forum (IMMF) represents featured artist music managers and through them the featured artists (performers and authors) themselves.
Public Relations

Public Relations Maßnahmen gehören zum Geschäft wie Komposition und Technik. Mit professioneller Öffentlichkeitsarbeit findet die eigene Arbeit Ressonanz in Medien und Netzwerken.

The Songwriter group will start at the 9th of April 2015 and is about all topics of songwriting & marketing of the songs.
Songwriter group is presented by SongsWanted, Germany's leading song casting publication for professional songwriters and music publishers, and SongLink, the most established and successful tipsheet on the market, having provided thousands of leads to its loyal subscribers.

Grupo exclusivo dos participantes da conferência Music Trends Brasil International Conference 2019. Aqui os participantes poderão interagir entre si, agendar encontros, comentar sobre os debates e workshops, encaminhar sugestões, entre outros.
Mix Asylum Mastering

A brand new collaboration betwen Mix Asylum & Music2deal allowing members to have their songs professionally mastered by the Mix Asylum studio, at a reasonble, competitive cost compared to booking a mastering studio yourself.

A group to discuss any Japan oriented subjects. Do you have any questions regarding Japanese music market? or are you looking for opportunities or seek artists or music from Japan? Please post here.

This Group is about the Future of the music Industry, NFT's and Music and how to apply the two together an evolve as a independent Artist or Label. The way the Industry is today you need every stream of income you can get. adding the NFT to what you already do with your music gives you a bigger advantage because with the NFT you will build a engaging community around your music. who don't want fan
Julien Boulier compositeur musicien

Autour de la IX ème heure
à suivre sur ma page Bandcamp Julien Boulier avec parfois des thèmes musicaux déposés Sacem en statut temporaire MusicStart, en contrepoint de passages ou d'extraits de livres regroupés autour de la IX ème heure.
Ces livres ou documents, regroupés en 24 ensembles , que j'ai nommés "êtres de livres" , à priori sans liens logiques entre eux, sont le départ parfois de
Midem: Let's start here and now

Hi. Thinking about attending the Midem music trade fair? Got questions, such as "Is it for me?" or "How much will I spend?" Well, throw your questions in here, and use the group to start your networking right now.
The group is moderated by Michael Leahy, author of the "Cannes Starter Guide". But it relies mostly on you, your questions and opinions. Think South by Southwest is better? Tell us h
MiCannes – Music International Cannes

Where the music biz meets to have fun, network with like-minded industry professionals, and make business happen.