- 主な活動
- 作詞家
- 主なジャンル
- ダンスエレクトニカ
- 語学力
- 英語
- 二次的な活動
- ソングライター
- 二次的なジャンル
- ポップス R&B ダンスエレクトニカ
lively, easy going, lyricist songs can be writen to order in most genre main genre pop dance / dance
MG42 Music -john O'Brien , Lyricist, working with composers /Producers/Artists In-ex label, female artist/model" Kivah" now signed and being recorded at our Dublin studio. Her video "Surrender" out on release 9 Nov 2019 Gigs Bookings to follow. Also working on other projects on other tracks / Artists in dance EDM R&B will be looking for a deal / label in 2020 ALSO CO-WRITER'S https://soundcloud.com/you/tracks