Song offers (1)


  • 2015 Nov 9
  • Pop
  • English
Main info
Genre Pop
Bahasa English
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Melancholic
  • Soulful
Voice female
Author Ilham v. Schöning
Release date 2010
Release artist Ela Wardi
Song Description
the Song is about someone who is lonely but never alone, and really want to be heard!!
Author info
Based in Germany
01 Heard-MS
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

Patric Heintschel
Patric Heintschel 23/02/04 06:21
"Schöner Song"
Easychris Music
Easychris Music 22/09/21 22:25
Jürgen Joherl
Jürgen Joherl 22/09/21 20:58
C.R.P C.R.P 22/03/09 15:54
Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 21/06/09 22:34
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 21/02/08 17:17
cole son
cole son 20/12/16 20:53
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 20/03/07 13:13
Christine Reichel
Christine Reichel 20/03/06 11:11
"Schöne Stimme!!! :-)"
Geradin  Fotsovich
Geradin Fotsovich 19/05/02 19:10
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 19/04/07 04:11
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 16/08/13 09:58
"well done"
Chalam +
Chalam + 16/06/18 11:49
"A heartfelt song. :)"
Gareth Barham
Gareth Barham 16/05/06 16:11
"Great voice Ela"
Gerhard Hosp
Gerhard Hosp 16/04/20 10:30
Rolando Belli
Rolando Belli 16/04/18 07:55
"Very nice track !"
Ariane Michaelis
Ariane Michaelis 16/01/16 18:49
Javier Garcia - Verdugo Sanchez
Javier Garcia - Verdugo Sanchez 15/11/15 11:31
"Excellent !!!"
Luigino Sarcone
Luigino Sarcone 15/11/13 18:39