
藝人經紀   A&R (Artist & Repertoire)   經銷商   電影/電視   音樂廠牌/唱片公司  
流行   Jingles廣告用短曲   世界   古典   饒舌說唱   法式香頌   懷舊   英式搖滾   浩室舞曲   獨立   合成電子舞曲   嘻哈   哥德式   兒童音樂   音樂劇   牙買加斯卡   輕音樂   樂器演奏   鄉村   有聲書   廣義搖滾   未分類   爵士   福音及宗教歌曲   搖滾   原聲帶配樂   實驗派   Techno電子舞曲   藍調   節奏藍調   雷鬼   民謠   拉丁   靈魂   放克  


Although new to the industry I am open to learning from all. My profile is focussed on artist management and promotions. I am looking forward to signing up some great international talent that has a solid potential in the Indian market. Feel free to send me out your music as well as hit me up with your queries if you have any.


We are a boutique label, artist management and booking company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and with an office in Mumbai, India. Founded by Mr. Sudhir Shreedharan, the ex-Editor In Chief of the Indian Music Industry and the current Managing Director - Asia Pacific of Music2Deal Worldwide, we are focussed on helping international artists break into the exciting Indian market as well as helping Indian artists break into the international markets. We work with international artists as their artist managers for the Indian sub continent and help them popularise their content and secure LIVE shows. We also work with Indian artists as their artist managers, help them collaborate with international artists and break into International markets. We have recently also started booking shows for our Indian artists in Australia, New Zealand, US and UK. We currently manage the diva of Indian Pop - "Anaida" and India's most upcoming singer "Kuhoo Gupta" alongwith other Indian artists who have started making waves in the international markets. Backed by a strong management which is known for its values, credentials and vast experience we are focussed on building a formidable entertainment company that helps International artists as well as Indian artists.