Chansons offres (1)

Is There Anybody There?

  • 24 mars 2016
  • Pop
  • Anglais
Info principale
Genre Pop
Langue Anglais
Tempo tempo-moyen
  • triste
Voix homme
Auteur Billy Ross - Lyrics
Date de sortie 2012
Artiste de sortie Martin Crombie
Info sur la chanson
It's a sad song about a break-up, maybe. A rough-demo, which does need some improvement. Vocals and melody by Martin Crombie.
Info sur l'auteur
Billy Ross is a lyricist who works with songwriters, artists or composers to produce completed songs with his lyrics, or to write lyrics to their melodies. His lyrics come in a wide range of genres - Pop, Rock, Country, Ballad, Inspirational, World, plus other possibilities e.g. there's Hip-Hop and Reggae lyrics in the mix as well. Examples can be seen at along with full Bio information.
Is There Anybody There?

Note et Commentaires

Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 09/06/21 14:28
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 12/03/21 18:36
Geradin  Fotsovich
Geradin Fotsovich 02/05/19 08:03
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 01/03/19 21:16
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 13/08/16 10:23
"The song works well in its style"
Andrew James Liles
Andrew James Liles 29/01/13 03:30
"Well structured and written. Just not my preference."
Rolando Belli
Rolando Belli 05/01/13 10:17
Frank Miedema
Frank Miedema 04/01/13 21:00
Chalam +
Chalam + 28/12/12 20:29
"Lovely song! A great chorus!"