提供艺人 (1)

The Real J Israel

  • 2021-1-8
    • Soul
    • Country
    • ...
  • Solo artist
The Real J Israel
  • Soul
  • Country
  • R&B
  • Pop
类型 Solo artist
国家 United States
The Real J Israel is an up and coming R&B and soul artist from Atlanta, Georgia. With a unique sound that combines chill, downbeat R&B tones with refreshingly down-to-earth vocals, The Real J Israel is one of the hottest names in the genre. Growing up the son of a minister, The Real J Israel spent most of his early life in and around gospel choirs. This taught him the power of music, and how to inject soul and passion into his voice. In the last few years, The Real J Israel has embraced a completely new sound, switching from traditional gospel music to a more personal, intimate brand of R&B for the purpose of better expressing himself as an artist. Although he has moved into a new genre, his music is still influenced by gospel and maintains a rich and warm feel that is different from other R&B tracks today. Perhaps most unique to The Real J Israel’s sound is how refreshingly authentic and grounded his lyrics feel.
J Israel- Say
No Pressure 320kb
Damn Good Man remasted 320kb
Hard For Me 320kb
图片 & 视频


Sinatra Onyewuchi 21-11-17 下午5:18
Friedhelm HOLZ
Friedhelm HOLZ 21-9-12 上午8:57
Emanuel Johnson
Emanuel Johnson 21-8-19 上午2:01
"Wow I like that That's really good"
Janice Hughes
Janice Hughes 21-7-28 下午10:46
"vocals and lyrics are spot on and arrangements."
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 21-7-25 上午12:04
Rico Dawson
Rico Dawson 21-6-30 下午8:48
Christine Reichel
Christine Reichel 21-5-23 下午2:26
"Very good!!!"
Richard "Crane" Krieger
Richard "Crane" Krieger 21-4-22 上午4:11
Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 21-3-23 下午1:00
"Great! How about going for interview spotlight for artist. Hit me up at vincentel@rsu-radio.com"
Radio  Promotion Network
Radio Promotion Network 21-3-19 上午9:11
"Interested in playlist placement + feature artist? OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: 1) Music Submissions – “Get On the playlist" https://rsu-radio.com/playlis"
Steve Colin
Steve Colin 21-1-22 下午7:45
Mr Statesman
Mr Statesman 21-1-15 下午11:25
Christian Meyer-Pedersen
Christian Meyer-Pedersen 21-1-15 下午5:01
Luigino Sarcone
Luigino Sarcone 21-1-13 下午12:40
Mario Christiani
Mario Christiani 21-1-12 下午2:13
"Great artist!"
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 21-1-11 下午3:46
Mimidhof 21-1-8 下午2:08
"Nice voice man. Great production too..."