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Professional singer and songwriter based in Switzerland, that can work in different genres. I love to get creative and find that powerful lyric and melody for your song, that keeps your heart pounding for the rest of the year. Next to having my own solo project, I have been singing as a backing vocalist for amongst others, Swiss pop artist Patric Scott and Jesse Ritch. more information available To stay on top of my game, and provide good quality vocals, I train my vocal performance every week with Brad Chapman (Grammy award winning pre production vocal coach, working with amongst others Anita Baker, Annie Lenox, Kevin Cronin, Quincy Jones.


I'm a very versatile writer, and I can work in multiple genres. My strongest suit is Pop / Indiepop / ballads / with melodical and emotional sensibility. I think a powerful song makes you feel emotions you didn't know you had, and makes you hum along the rest of the year. I provide high quality vocals with thought out of top line melodies, and am not afraid to use metaphors. I work out of a home studio (Focusright Scarlett 2i4, Audio Technica, Yamaha stage piano, Logic). I also have access to professional studios if needed, on request. Services Provided: Songwriting (lyrics, melody) Features for Artists and DJ's Demo Vocals, Backing vocals Website http://www.jasminpearl.com Soundbetter songwriting projects https://soundbetter.com/profiles/87552-jasmin-pearl songwriting and vocals for song 'Time to believe' with Patric Scott https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/time-to-believe-feat-young-sam-bee-johnson-franziska/1047282249?i=1047284597 Music registration through SUISA Switzerland iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jasmin-pearl/938963562 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3UHnYf2z8Etjmrm5OQqQDh Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B00S17MRU0?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Jasmin%20Pearl&index=digital-music&search-type=ss Youtube - Jasmin Pearl Official https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8cMxat8LN0&list=PLx2Lq4OjCMYRXBH2fMfwK_BqOKFHbjE0X Jasmin Pearl on Balcony TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Ixh1gAH7A Starradar article about Jasmin Pearl on page 26 http://www.ticketcorner.ch/obj/media/CH-eventim/campaign/event/de/pdf/2017-06.pdf singing backing vocals for Jesse Ritch Video 1 https://youtu.be/ZErfIk5k16o Video 2 https://youtu.be/KifeWIO9BEc