Business Offer

Main activity
Main genre
Language skills
Spanish   English   German  

Personal profile

Wulf Müller Born as the fourth child of Wolfgang and Annemarie Müller on October 24th, 1955 in Hünfeld, Germany. He went to school first in Hünfeld and then in Berlin, where the family lived between 1963 and 1969, before moving to Vienna, Austria, where he finished school and went to college before starting to study journalism and politics. While studying he worked at jazz festivals and opened with friends the jazz club ‘miles smiles’. He started working in the music industry in 1983 at Polygram in Vienna, where he revived the amadeo label for local jazz with artists like the Vienna Art Orchestra, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Wolfgang Puschnig and others, before moving to London in 1992 as International Director for Jazz Marketing. When Universal bought Polygram he was asked to continue in his position and then included Classical music into his portfolio. In early 2000 he was made V.P. International A&R and Marketing, Jazz and Classical, signing artists like Sonny Rollins, Roy Hargrove, John Scofield and others. This position he kept until 2010, when he left Universal to start his own music consultancy All-In-Music Service worked for Universal International as their Jazz consultant, then for Sony's OKeh label and as well was working with other smaller labels as A&R freelance and looked after the European tours of Branford Marsalis, James Carter and Jane Monheit.

Company profile

All-In-Music Service is closed now - I am now purely advising artists if they have questions.