offerte canzoni (1)

Go For It

  • 29-ott-2020
  • Instrumental
informazioni principali
genere Instrumental
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Dramatic
  • Energetic
  • Happy
  • Uplifting
voce no vocals
autori Herbert Gauderer
realizzazione dati 2020
realizzazione artista heg
informazioni canzone
Instrumental guitar-RockPop, due to its fanfare-like characteristics ideally suited for trailers and TV spots announcing upcoming events (such as sport events or similar).

Votes and comments

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 31/10/20 11.55
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 29/10/20 16.00
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 29/10/20 12.45
"Sehr gute Gitarrenarbeit ! TOP !"