
Activité principale
Dance Electronica
Activité secondaire
Organization   autre  
House   Pop  

Profil personnel

Frankie is a 29 years old young male singer from cologne/germany. His fresh and freaky performance is full of energy. Although he only was one time at german x-factor 2010 for 3 minutes, many many people recognize his face, no matter where he meets them - on the street, at facebook or in a cafe. Frankie has a clear high tenor voice (pop sounding) and also plays the guitar. He works for fashion shows as speaker, as Aerobic Trainer, with his Top40 Band "" and is now looking for good songs which fit to his trendy-freaky style.

Profil de l'entreprise

Frank Jahn "Frankie" He works for fashion shows as speaker, as Aerobic Trainer, with his Top40 Band "" and is now looking for good songs which fit to his trendy-freaky style.