Business Offer

Main activity
Music Producer
Main genre
Language skills
Songwriter   Music Producer  

Personal profile

We are Unicat ( It is a producer duo from Berlin (Germany). Music oscillates between different genres - from electronics, soul up to jazz, pop and even elements of classical music. Such combinations can also be found in texts where a human being with his weaknesses and journey through the life is placed next to nature. Unicat was awarded as one of the most interesting bands of the year 2018 in a competition to the Berlin Music Commission and his song „Ocean” has appeared on the „Listen to Berlin 2018/ 2019” compilation. Unicat has played a tour in China in September 2018, performed during CEMF 2019 (Poland) and played several concerts across Berlin.

Company profile

We are Unicat ( It is a producer duo from Berlin (Germany). Music oscillates between different genres - from electronics, soul up to jazz, pop and even elements of classical music. Such combinations can also be found in texts where a human being with his weaknesses and journey through the life is placed next to nature. Unicat was awarded as one of the most interesting bands of the year 2018 in a competition to the Berlin Music Commission and his song „Ocean” has appeared on the „Listen to Berlin 2018/ 2019” compilation. Unicat has played a tour in China in September 2018, performed during CEMF 2019 (Poland) and played several concerts across Berlin.