提供歌曲 (1)

We are the planet

  • 2019-9-4
  • Rock
  • English
We are the planet
音乐风格 Rock
语言 English
节奏 mid-Tempo
  • Serious
  • Dramatic
  • Groovy
  • Energetic
声音 male
作者 Branko Bock
发布日期 2019
发布艺人 Branko Bock
Rocksong "We are the planet" / Guestguitar: Marco Roth
We are the planet
图片 & 视频


Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 21-6-9 下午11:09
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 20-10-2 下午6:02
Richard Rogers
Richard Rogers 19-11-27 下午2:13
"Great sentiments but unfortunately the song isn't quite so great. Too long to get to chorus and vocalists phonetics are not brilliant."
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 19-9-9 下午12:25
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 19-9-7 上午6:30
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 19-9-5 上午8:00
"Stark !!"
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 19-9-4 下午7:47
"classic rock sound"
Rolando Belli
Rolando Belli 19-9-4 下午7:01
"Sehr schön !"