Song offers (1)


  • 2019-04-30
  • Pop
  • German
Main info
Kategoria Pop
Język German
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Ballad
  • Romantic
  • Soulful
  • Calm
Głos kobiecy
Autor Linda B.
Data wydania 2015
Wydane przez Linda B.
Opis utworu
In general, my lyrics are heavily influenced by personal stories or things that occupy me. In the upper secondary school, I have taken politics as an advanced course and since then I am dealing more and more intensively with the things happening in our world. I find it scary how selfish and cold the human race partially behaves and have processed these thoughts in my song "Traum". It is about longing (or literally "dreaming") for the creation of a colorful world in a place where every single individual is valued, the importance of material things takes a back seat and we reach out to each other to live in peace. My song ends with an emphasis on how much I wish my dream to become true, but I know that unfortunately it will probably not achieve reality ...
Info o autorze
I'm a 20-year-old Singer-Songwriter, living in Hamburg and studying at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater. I started writing my own songs when I was about 13. My first song was written in English and about my best friend at that time. Though I still write some of my lyrics in English, most of my songs are in German. I feel that in my mother-language I can be brutally honest about what I have or want to say and there's no language barrier that would be able to hide something. In 2015 I recorded my first CD in a studio with eight of my own songs.
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

jürgen zacharias
jürgen zacharias 24-03-17 19:54
"Text leider sehr schwer zu verstehen"
Kurt Seßler
Kurt Seßler 24-03-17 19:04
"Sehr ansprechend, voller Emotion, toller Gesang"
Cem Atalay
Cem Atalay 21-06-14 16:34
"Sehr schön minimalistisch, mit einem sehr guten Text und Aussage. Hammer Sängerin!"
Rolando Belli
Rolando Belli 19-07-15 07:03
Rico Dawson
Rico Dawson 19-06-12 14:40
Ronaldo chagas
Ronaldo chagas 19-05-14 13:31
Prasanna Ramaswamy
Prasanna Ramaswamy 19-05-13 06:53
cesli vane
cesli vane 19-05-03 11:57
"Ich finde, dass solche "Träume" an die oberste Priorität-Liste des öffentlichen Bewusstseins rücken sollten - insbesondere hierzulande! Like°°°°°°5+"
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 19-05-02 12:01
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 19-05-01 07:49
"Gelungener Text und tolle Stimme besonders in deinen YOUTUBE Videos !!"